Hi Creative Commoners! We’re back with a very special episode of CC’s podcast, Open Minds … from Creative Commons. Today marks the 20th Anniversary of Creative Commons!

On this milestone episode of CC’s Open Minds podcast, join us as we celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Creative Commons’ founding on December 19, 2021. We take you back to Creative Commons founder Lawrence Lessig’s keynote from the 2021 CC Global Summit (watch the recording here), originally held in September 2021.


“Let me say thank you, 20 years is forever, and 20 years is just a beginning. The first 20 were extraordinary, but I think the next 20 could be so much, much more. Thank you so much for gathering to celebrate, and thank you for the inspiration and ideas that will make the next 20 even more important than the first.”

Lawrence, fondly referred to by many as Larry, reflects on how CC began, what it has accomplished, and is later joined by Creative Commons CEO, Catherine Stihler, for a fireside chat where he shares his hopes for CC for the next twenty years and beyond. A distinguished attorney, political activist and incredible visionary, Lawrence is the Roy L. Furman Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, and director of the Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics at Harvard University. Lawrence is a Board Member Emeritus of the Creative Commons board.